Onze Happy Matches

Yu­lia and Pa­trick would not al­low can­celled flights and a six hour car jour­ney to pre­vent them from meet­ing each other and when they did fi­nal­ly get to­gether, they found that all the dra­ma had been worth it!

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Ya­na and Jerome are so glad they live they in the age of the In­ter­net be­cause other­wise they may nev­er have met each other and in­s­tant­ly fall­en in love.

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It took a while for In­na to be con­vinced that join­ing this site would be a good idea but she soon changed her mind when, within a week, she had met Saul and gone a won­der­ful­ly ro­man­tic and fun date with him.

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Yu­lia be­lieved this site would help her to meet in­ter­est­ing peo­ple so when she and Mik­le met they had a great time gett­ing to know and un­der­s­tand each other and now they are the great­est of friends.

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When Ya­na and Vik­tor de­cid­ed to meet af­ter they had been chatt­ing for a while, she was to­tal­ly amazed at the speed and ef­fi­cien­cy of this site in ar­rang­ing their love­ly date in a beau­ti­ful res­tau­rant.

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Na­taliya’s run of bad luck in meet­ing a de­cent man fi­nal­ly came to an end when, af­ter she saw Stephen on the site, she took the first step and con­tact­ed him. Now they know they have each met their soul­mate and hope that many others fol­low in their foot­steps.

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Hel­lo ev­ery­body! My name is Vik­toriya. I want to share my sto­ry with you. I met Mat­thew on this site and we had the great for­tune to spend sev­er­al days to­gether. It was awe­some, es­pe­cial­ly be­cause I nev­er be­lieved that some­thing…

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John joined our site a few years ago af­ter he had been sin­gle for a while and was tired of be­ing lone­ly. He told us that he loved Asian ladies and want­ed to find a lov­ing, ro­man­tic, faith­ful and kind wo­m­an who he would love and cher­ish ev­ery sin­gle day…

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Love is so un­pre­dictable. It is very hard to be­lieve that some­where on the in­ter­net you will find some­body who will be­come an im­por­tant part of your life. We had been cor­re­spond­ing for a long time and I re­ceived many love­ly gift­s…

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When Lilia and Javi­er fi­nal­ly met af­ter 8 months, they knew they had found their other halves and were so sure of this that they got mar­ried five days lat­er!

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Solo­mia had on­ly heard pos­i­tive things about this web­site from her friends so she did not he­s­i­tate to reg­is­ter and soon she met Peter, a love­ly man who she found she had so much in com­mon with that they will for­ev­er be friends.

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Fang was so excit­ed when she met John on the site that she could hard­ly sleep but she re­al­ly had met the man of her dreams and now they are gett­ing mar­ried.

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