Stephen, Washington

      I would like to thank the entire staff for all the support and assistance they gave me during my recent trip to Tver. I would particularly like to commend and thank Maria, and my two translators Julia and Kate for there professionalism, attention to detail, special care, and friendship. I am so thankful for everything they did for me. I thoroughly enjoyed my visit and time spent in Tver. I look forward to seeing you again in January.

     In addition, I would like to commend the office manager, for adeptly coordinating and handling of the burst pipe situation in the bathroom at the apartment. The plummer and apartment building owner representative responded quickly and the repairs were made promptly. My interpreter Julia was superb in translating what had happened to the plummer.

     It has been a distinct pleasure to work with such a professional group of people who truly take great care in their customers. Your service is outstanding.<

     Thanks Again, Stephen

Best regards,
Stephen from Washington.
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