Our Happy Matches

Ol­ga and Vik­tor de­cid­ed to go on a date rather than com­mu­ni­cate on­line and what a fab­u­lous time they had to­gether! Vik­tor treat­ed Ol­ga like a princess and she thinks ev­ery wo­m­an has a chance of meet­ing her Prince Charm­ing on this site too.

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Af­ter their long-dis­tance ro­mance, Juliya tru­ly hoped that when she met her Ca­na­dian Prince Charm­ing in re­al life that their re­la­tion­ship would blos­som. And it did! Now they are to­gether for­ev­er and know that dreams re­al­ly do come true.

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It took Rickard a while to re­p­ly to Ju­li­a’s let­ter but they are both so glad they be­gan to com­mu­ni­cate be­cause when they met in re­al life on Va­lentine’s Day, some­thing tru­ly mag­i­cal hap­pened.

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Ev­er since she was very young, Dia­na has dreamed of meet­ing her fu­ture hus­band and mov­ing to live abroad with him and al­though she and Park de­cid­ed to just be friends af­ter they met, she knows her Mr Right is out there some­where.

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Al­though af­ter their won­der­ful date, Vik­to­rya and Gary de­cid­ed to be just good friends, they will nev­er re­gret the fan­tas­tic ex­pe­ri­ence they had to­gether, full of laugh­ter and hap­pi­ness.

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Karoli­na and Ernest spent a won­der­ful­ly ro­man­tic two days to­gether and even though they re­al­ized they would be­come friends rather than lovers, what a spe­cial time they spent with each other.

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When she fi­nal­ly met Dave, Vic­to­ria found her­self in the com­pany of a re­al life cow­boy and al­though they did not be­come a cou­ple, she will nev­er for­get the won­der­ful week she spent with Dave, a strong man with a kind heart.

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Yu­lia and Rickard de­cid­ed to meet in per­son very soon af­ter they had found each other on the site and, al­though they have de­cid­ed to just be friends, they both agree that meet­ing new peo­ple is great fun!

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While An­na cont­in­ues her search for the love of her life, she is en­joy­ing meet­ing and hav­ing a fan­tas­tic time with won­der­ful men like Derek who will now al­ways be a good friend.

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Read all about how this cou­ple found their destiny with each other and re­alised that it is pos­si­ble to be your part­n­er’s best friend as well as the love of their life.

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Ja­na had thought about join­ing the site for a long time but she is so hap­py that she fi­nal­ly did be­cause she found Jim and had the most won­der­ful date with this kind hand­some man.

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Al­though when they met Kse­nia and Vic­tor found they shared a love of good food, sing­ing, danc­ing and laugh­ter they de­cid­ed they were not meant for each other. But they are both sure they will find their spe­cial some­one on this site and in the mean­time it’s fun to make new friends.

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