Våra lyckliga matchningar

Ja­na had thought about join­ing the site for a long time but she is so hap­py that she fi­nal­ly did be­cause she found Jim and had the most won­der­ful date with this kind hand­some man.

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Al­though when they met Kse­nia and Vic­tor found they shared a love of good food, sing­ing, danc­ing and laugh­ter they de­cid­ed they were not meant for each other. But they are both sure they will find their spe­cial some­one on this site and in the mean­time it’s fun to make new friends.

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Good day to you all! I’m here to tell you about my date with a nice man called Vic. When we met each other on this site we did­n’t waste any time at all in long cor­re­spon­dence and de­cid­ed to meet for re­al!…

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Hel­lo to you all! My name is Iri­na and I was that sort of per­son who for a long time was “afraid” of on­line dat­ing. But then I de­cid­ed that we on­ly live once which means that life should not hold any fears or…

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Good af­ter­noon! My name is Anas­ta­sia. In this let­ter I want to tell you about my meet­ing with a very nice man called Mur­ray. We had­n’t been cor­re­spond­ing for very long but we de­cid­ed to meet each other…

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Good af­ter­noon, my dear friends! I want to tell you about my sto­ry and my ex­pe­ri­ence on this site. I met Paul and we had com­mu­ni­cat­ed through the site for one year. You might say that is a long time but we…

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Hel­lo! I would like to ex­press my words of grat­i­tude for the won­der­ful or­gani­za­tion of the date that I had with some­one spe­cial. When I de­cid­ed to have my pro­file post­ed, I was a lit­tle bit shy and I had doubts - will it…

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Hel­lo-hel­lo! I am writ­ing this let­ter to thank the web­site and my lo­cal agen­cy for their work and sup­port! I had a won­der­ful date with an amaz­ing man, whose name is Der­rick. We hadn't spend much time on­line…

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Good af­ter­noon! You know, I do be­lieve in destiny and when­ev­er I have the chance, I al­ways try to seek it. When Aco first wrote to me and then de­cid­ed to come to meet so soon af­ter­wards, I de­cid­ed to take this chance…

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Since Tim and Shasha found each other on our site, their life has been re­al­ly fan­tas­tic to­gether! Tim comes from the very pret­ty and ro­man­tic ci­ty of Paris and he him­self is al­so ro­man­tic and very at­trac­tive…

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Af­ter cor­re­spond­ing for a long time, on 10th Au­gust this year the long-await­ed meet­ing be­tween Mike and Svet­la­na fi­nal­ly took place. De­spite the fact that their meet­ing last­ed on­ly two days, they got along with…

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We all want the chance to cre­ate a fam­i­ly and be hap­py! I had been wait­ing for that one per­son to come in­to my life who would trans­form it for­ev­er. and then I met him on-line! I de­cid­ed to vis­it him and he liked…

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