Nos matchs heureux

All Vic­to­ria want­ed was to meet her ide­al man and set­tle down to a hap­py life with him and thanks to the site, that is ex­act­ly what hap­pened and now she and David are go­ing to move in to­gether!

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Shaun need not have wor­ried if his very long trip from Aus­tralia would be worth­while be­cause as soon as he saw Nadezh­da in re­al life, he was lost for words at her love­li­ness and now they are to­gether and make a great cou­ple.

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Bill and Ol­ga had not been com­mu­ni­cat­ing for very long when he had to vis­it Ukraine on busi­ness so they took the op­por­tu­ni­ty to meet and spent a fab­u­lous week­end to­gether which nei­ther will ev­er for­get.

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As soon as Ya­na saw his pho­tos, she knew Za­za was just her type so when they met in re­al life very soon af­ter­ward, sparks flew and love was in the air!

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Ines­sa won­dered why she had still not been mar­ried even though she was in her 40s so she turned to the site for help and she is so glad she did be­cause this is where she saw Robert and soon af­ter­ward they met in re­al life.

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Al­most as soon as she joined the site, Ok­sa­na re­ceived a let­ter from John and knew he was some­one spe­cial so when they met in re­al life, what a won­der­ful week­end they spent to­gether.

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De­spite all the problems of trav­el re­stric­tions and quar­an­tine, Vik­to­ria and Ha­maied ma­n­aged to meet so now they know that they will over­come any other ob­s­ta­cles to make sure they spend their fu­ture to­gether.

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Not on­ly did Tim fall in love with the lady he met on this site but al­so with the ci­ty where she lived so their times to­gether are al­ways ro­man­tic and mag­i­cal and full of love and hap­pi­ness.

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Ed­ward can­not quite put in­to words how won­der­ful­ly hap­py is hav­ing met the love of his life here on the site, so hap­py he feels like he could fly! And he hopes others find their love and can feel the same way too.

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When Iri­na reg­is­tered on the site she could not know that it would be the day that changed her life for­ev­er be­cause she met Tom and the chem­istry be­tween them was in­cred­i­ble. Now they are to­gether and so very hap­py.

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As soon as Bran­don saw Ele­na’s pro­file, he felt as though he had been struck by light­n­ing and in­s­tant­ly knew that she had to be his. Ele­na felt the same and now they are so hap­py to be to­gether!

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Anas­tasiya and Ken re­al­ly do be­lieve in mir­a­cles now that this site has brought them to­gether to cre­ate their own fairy tale with a very hap­py end­ing!

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